Saturday, September 17, 2011

A little about Barcelona history

Barcelona offers great flight deals and is the second largest city in Spain. It is also the capital of the province and autonomous region of Catalonia. The city is located in the northeastern part of the Iberian Peninsula, on the Mediterranean coast between the mouths of rivers and Yobregat and Besos. The population in its administrative boundaries is a little over 1.6 million. Along with the adjacent satellite towns and suburbs, this number reaches nearly 5 million inhabitants, which makes the sixth largest metropolis in the European Union. Due to its importance, it accommodates a lot of last minute flights. Barcelona is the main cultural, economic, financial, political and administrative center of Catalonia, as well as Spain and offers a rich and varied culture, history and architectural heritage, attracting millions of tourists with cheap airfares to Barcelona annually. The city is the seat of the Catalan parliament and government and in 1992 hosted the Summer Olympics.

There are different versions of when the city was created, according to some legends, the town was founded by the father of the celebrated Carthaginian King Hannibal - Hamilkar Barca, who named the place Barsino like the name of their family. This is supposed to be in the third century B. C. At the time of Roman rule over Iberia a military camp was built here, at the site of today's town hall. The Romans subsequently established the colony Faventia. From Roman times remain some ruins and remains of buildings that are now among the main attractions here. In the early 5th century the town was captured by the Visigoths, and three centuries later was conquered by the Moors. Unlike the rest of Iberia, however, they failed to enforce their power for long and in the 801 year were driven out by the Franks. Subsequently, the city retained some autonomy, but in the following centuries was established as a leading center of the Catalan lands. In 1137 through dynastic marriage, the city became a component of Aragon. Under the Aragonite crown, the scepter of the city was established as a leading port and commercial center of a large area, reaching Naples and Sicily to the east. In the 13th century, the Aragonite kings controlled Athens.

In 1469 the marriage of Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella of Castile brought together the two leading kingdoms of the peninsula and the center of political power shifted to Madrid. This marked the end of Barcelona's leading position in Iberia, and induced resistance to centralization of the population in Catalonia. In the 17th century, the city was the main center of the movement against King Philip the Fourth. In the period 1640 to 1652 and between 1650 and 1654, the village was plagued by various epidemics, which reduced the population at times. Napoleon's military expedition in the region further weakened Barcelona. In the late 19th and early 20th century, the town recovered quickly and began to industrialize. This economic boom till date is not marred by the serious civil war of the 30s of last century. That fact makes the Barcelona flight deals all the more attractive since you get to witness luxurious condos exists side by side with historical remnants of great fortresses.